Health & Fitness

Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Well this is a favorite topic of mine! πŸ™‚ Simply because who doesn’t enjoy a hot or an iced coffee in the morning!? Ahh just the smell of coffee feels like the day is off to a good start. Am I right or am I right! haha. Yet, coffee gets such a bad rep because of the caffeine in it.

Other than that, drinking coffee actually does have some benefits….in moderation of course! Below I’ve listed 5 reasons why drinking coffee can benefit you.

  1. Can Be Good For Your Liver

Research shows that consuming coffee can have a protective effect on your liver. Your liver will have a healthier enzylme level than people who don’t drink coffee. This promotes health of the liver by defending it from typical diseases like liver cancer and cirrhosis.

2. Great Source of Antioxidants

Coffee is actually one of the best sources of antioxidants. These antioxidants help repair damaged cells. You gain more antioxidants from drinking coffee than you do from fruits and vegetables. This magic potion even includes multiple vitamins and minerals. For example,

  • 6% of the RDA for pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)
  • 11% of the RDA for riboflavin (vitamin B2)
  • 2% of the RDA for niacin (B3) and thiamine (B1)
  • 3% of the RDA for potassium and manganese

3. Longer Life Expectancy

4. Reduce Risk of Developing Parkinsons Disease or Alzhimers

5. Less Likely to Have Diabetes

6. Increased Metobolic Rate to Burn Fat

7. Stimulates The Brain
